Spoiled your exam because you could not remember what you learnt the other day?
Be careful, your weak memory might be due to your sleeping pattern.
A research on mice by a team of doctors at the National Academy of Science on fragmented memory has linked together the broken sleep patterns with the ability to remember things. The research further concluded that fragmented sleep could be one of the significant causes of Alzheimer's disease and sleep apnoea. The research revealed that the mice which had uninterrupted sleep paid more attention to a new object than the one that had interrupted sleep. (Read More)
'When you are in a deep sleep', the researches said, 'your brain categorizes your daily events and decides what thing to put into the memory as you wake up. This includes the things that you recently learnt.' That means the process is analogous to burning data in an optical drive. If you happen to have a power cut, the data being written is neither completely written nor retrieved, but is simply lost. So, you better manage a UPS before your brain goes power cutoff!
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