Ping Blog Crash your computer using Flash and Google | Easy Techs!


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Crash your computer using Flash and Google

Follow the steps below to crash your computer!
1.       Open up a new flash document.
2.       Open up the Actions panel for the stage of the first frame.
3.       If it’s in Actionscript 2, write the following:
onEnterFrame = function ()
      getURL(“”, “_blank”);

Or if it’s actionscript 3 write the following:

function openGoogle(e:Event):void
       navigateToURL(“”, “_blank”);
       stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, openGoogle);

All you need to do is press “Ctrl+Enter” and in next 20 seconds your computer crashes down! What this does is open up new tabs of Google repeatedly one after another, in an interval of milliseconds. At the end of the 20th second there will be so many Google tabs that your computer will barely respond to your mouse clicks or any other mouse or keyboard events! Any attempt from the user to stop this will result in processing overload in the computer and cause the computer to freeze. The only real way to stop this is to force-quit BOTH flash.exe and iexplorer.exe. Be careful not to force quit your explorer.exe!


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