Ping Blog The Brain And The Memory | Easy Techs!


Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Brain And The Memory

Brain is the most complex part of the human body. The brain is like a committee of experts. It is a patchwork of many highly specialized areas. This three pound organ lies inside a bony shell called ‘skull’ and is the seat of intelligence. It is the initiator if body movements and the source of all the qualities that define our humanity.
A mammalian brain is essentially built on the same plan as that of a frog or any other vertebrate. However, the human brain is more developed and the two cerebral hemispheres are very much larger than in other vertebrates.
The largest part of our brain is made of cerebrum. The cerebral cortex is associated with mental activities involved in memory, intelligence, sense of responsibility, thinking, reasoning moral sense and learning.
We need our memory for our mental activities and to improve our efficiency while we are working. Unfortunately, a lot of people dint seem to understand how important this is, and most of the time we are using our memory randomly as a result of which we never get what we expected.
Improving memory has never been easier but nothing is easy until you give it a try and build up your guts to stay stick to it! It is not impossible to increase our memory if we remain consistent at achieving the success!!


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