Ping Blog Lots of Sex for Good Memory: | Easy Techs!


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Lots of Sex for Good Memory:

You have got a big head and even you friends call you Jupiter-head. Your big head does not give you bog results. You always fail when you direly need to succeed. All in all, your brain betrays you and most of the time you are not more than a big lump of a fool. You can find so many other that share the same problem and even more people who have just solved this. You can either share your ‘chit-chat’ about this with the first group of people or try and find the solution and secure your place in the second group of people.A new method is approved!(Read More)

A new research has shown that regular sex can improve your memory power drastically. A research based book written by Simon Wotton and Terry Horne claims that eating a lot of chocolate and having regular sex improves your memory power. It says that sexual intercourse increases the body’s level of the hormone oxytoxin, which induces a readiness to think novel solutions while the post-coital rise in serotonin levels also helps both creative thinking and logic. A research done in rats showed that sexually experienced rats were less anxious and bolder than virgin rats. You might have noticed that confident guys make their way to more ladies, or is it the other way around!

Moral of the story:

If you want to gain success, imitate Tiger Woods!


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