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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Your Final Blow, At The Exam Hall

Once you are ready to take exam, one you feel you have made out all possible counter moves, you make the final tackle. Your final blow is what you make in the exam hall. This final blow of yours determines your position in the exam results. If you recoil from the tackle, you should be seeking an average position or somewhere below it but if you manage to stand still after the final blow then you deserve to be the best!(Read More)

Go Through The Questions Thoroughly:
The first step is to go through the questions so that you that you can have the idea of the whole set of question. It is like trying to understand the opponent’s move.
Don’t Panic:
Most of the exams are spoiled because students panic. Calm down. Know this, you already do not know the question and if you panic, you increase the surety of the question not being answered to 500%. Just relax, take deep breaths and think coolly. You know you don’t know the solution to the question, but still you could give a try.
Take Chocolates And Drink Water:
It is advised to take chocolates while you sit for your exams. Chocolates help your brain stay refreshed and you can concentrate properly. You can even try chocolates while you study. You already know about taking water regularly.
Write Beautifully, Present Artistically:
The more pleased you make you examiner, the more marks you can leak out of his correction pens; and anyone is please with neatly and artistically presented exam papers. It is not ethical to make judgments on the basis of tidiness and not on the content of the paper but you might not want to take a risk. After all, tidiness sometimes pay and they pay well enough!


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