Ping Blog What's your sex? | Easy Techs!


Sunday, August 7, 2011

What's your sex?

Would you believe if I said you could remember things faster just because you are a boy or a girl! To make it simple, how much do you believe that even you being a boy or a girl determine what things are you capable of remembering? Numerous experiments have been performed on the basis of various theories to determine what effects gender has on one’s ability to remember things.

It has been found that boys have a better short term memory and hence can easily remember logical maneuvers like directions, electronic circuitry, roads and pathways, directions etc. But when it comes to multi-tasking, girls overthrow boys. Girls are supposed to have better memory of birthdays and lengthy recipes. This result portrays the stereotypical image of males and female. As for me, I say the information retained by a person depends a lot on his/her interest in the topic.


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